I have to admit, I think GIFs are the internet's greatest brainchild ever. I've been using them in the classroom to make the girls laugh, and I even use them in chat rooms to save me some typing time. Why write a message when a quirky little clip can convey it all? :D (yes, I'm that lazy)

When you bring your favourite treat over from your country as omiyage, but soon realize that it`s an "acquired taste"... EX. ketchup chips
When your phone suddenly runs out of power and your still out and about in the heart of Tokyo.
Being a 6" tall girl walking in a crowd full of 5" people.
Being packed into the morning train as rush hours gets into full swing.
The moment when you step into a restaurant or a shop and the server realizes you aren't Japanese and they have zero clue what to do with you.
When you walk into class in the morning and the students absolutely lose their bananas.
When you finish giving your class instructions, but you've used one too many words and their heads all turn at the same 90 degree angle.
My reaction every time this happens: "Sensei, I don't understand this word"
"It means ~"
"... I don't get it"
"It's sort of like ~" *insert intricate explanatory hand gestures here*
"... what does that mean?"
That moment where you become so good at explaining yourself though your hands that you might as well be teaching the kids sign language.
Adjusting yourself to the fact that schools only have heating in the classrooms and not in the hallways.
Realizing you have no willpower against Japanese food because it is just too dang good to resist.
When you're in a group of people and they switch into rapid Japanese speaking mode...
...but then they realize you can't understand so they try to include you and all you can manage to squeak out is a lame "soudesune" or "sugoi".
That moment when your "genki teacher face" permanently becomes your default face.
That weird transition from being no-so-super-patriotic to the sole spokesperson for your entire country...
The sheer joy of being able to drink in the streets.
When you spot another foreigner on the street and half of you feels like you should acknowledge them and the other half wants to ignore them.
Parties that carry on till the 5am train starts up.
The panic of catching the last train at midnight.
Adjusting to being asked SUPER personal questions about your body and love life on a daily basis.
Basically every single time I let myself go shopping in Tokyo.
Enduring the heat and humidity of a Japanese summer like...
My face when I see a cockroach, beetle, cicada... the list of freakishly gnarly Japanese bugs goes on and on...
What I feel like saying when people tell me how strange and foreign it is to wear sunglasses in Japan.
When your low on work and there aren't any other jobs for you so you make each task reaaaaaaallllllyyyyy last.
Facing your fears and using the dreaded squat toilets...
Discovering the beauty of an overnight internet cafe for the first time