As the "moving away" countdown continues, I thought it would be a good idea to make a recurring post to motivate me to keep some of my hobbies up while I am away. Since lugging my violin to Tokyo is out of question for me, I decided to stick with sketching for now.
Since sketching is just a hobby, don't expect anything too mind-boggling! I mostly stick to charcoal and graphite, but sometimes I do like to jazz it up and reach for water colours or pencil crayons. Hopefully, I will be able to do some landscape paintings/drawings in Tokyo when I get there, but for now please enjoy these sketches.
Graphite - Inspired by day of the dead and flower crowns |
Charcoal - Inspired by existing anatomy drawing and by Noh masks |
Graphite & Pencil Crayons - Inspired to attempt a self-portrait in business attire |
Help me keep up with my initiative to keep drawing by brainstorming some sketch ideas in the comments! I'd love to hear your thoughts. See you in the next doodle blog!